4G, RET, BTS, DAS, RSL, LTE, RSSI UMTS, VSWR, WiMAx, HSPA+ Fiber Optic, Sweep Test Commissioning, Uplink/Downlink, Passive Intermod Sweep Test, Multi Carrier, Hybrid Cable, Power Control WCDMA, Rx Level LTE, RSSI, UMTS, VSWR, WiMAx 4G, RET, BTS, DAS, RSL

Wireless communications.

Voice, data, text, browsing, streaming video
At home or work, during rush hour,
before and after the storm...

Your customers expect it to work to stay connected to family,
community, and the world.

The marketplace is competitive and the expectations are high.

You need a company that understands your needs
and can deliver a variety of outstanding services on a daily basis.

A management team with over 65 years combined experience
in the wireless industry.

A vast knowledge of field proven methods, technical expertise, and professional employees.

Strong, Diversified.
Reliable and Safe.
A dedicated partner.
You need AERIOR.

THE wireless services innovator

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wireless strategic problem solvingwireless strategic problem solving 4G, RET, BTS, DAS, RSL, LTE, RSSI